Free inland delivery for purchase above 1500,- Kč

MIKTOYS - Czech made wooden toys


Payment methods

Your payment can be paid in the following ways:

Payment on delivery

Payment on delivery is the most common payment method in the Czech Republic. You pay the purchase price to the mail carrier of Česká pošta when taking over the goods. Payment on delivery is charged 29,- Kč.

Payment transfer

An advanced payment transfer to our bank account. The purchase price can be transferred via a payment transfer to our bank account. After submitting the order, you will receive bank details necessary for the payment transfer – price, bank account number, variable symbol to your e-mail address. The money is credited to our bank account usually in 1-3 working days after the payment is done.

Bank account number: 670100-2210466756/6210

IBAN: CZ98 6210 6701 0022 1046 6756


Bank: mBank S.A.

Account name: M.I.K - Ing. Milan Konecny

Variable symbol: order number